I’m so excited to work with you to create a unique piece for yourself or a loved one! Please fill out the form and include as many details as possible. I will be in touch shortly to confirm the project and begin working with you to create your piece.

Pricing & Deposits

I want to be as flexible and reasonable as possible while ensuring that I fairly factor in my time, materials, and work.

I will provide you with a rough estimate after project confirmation based on the understanding that the final price may differ slightly based on the size, materials used, and time spent.

If you have any questions or concerns about pricing, please let me know as soon as possible so that we can work together to arrange other payment options.

Lead Time

Please allow 4 weeks lead time to ensure that we have time to discuss the details of your piece and to review preliminary sketches. If you have a tight turn-around time, please let me know and we can work something out.

Return Policy

As each commissioned piece is completely custom and made to meet your specific request, returns will not be accepted.
